Just a few words to start off, I wouldnt' dare claim credit for ALL the mnemonics on this blog. In fact, a number of the cleverer mnemonics you see either are the good work of other doctors/students or have been shamelessly lifted out of medical books.

If you've got a medical mnemonic gem to contribute, feel free to submit it to dingydingding(at)googlemail(dot)com

Last but not least, please feel free to point out any errors or improvements that can be made in any of the mnemonics!! Otherwise, you can always click on the ad-links too if you wanna do your part =P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Deadly Headaches - THIS GEM

Deadly headaches that should be excluded - THIS GEM

Temporal arteritis
Hypertensive headaches
ICP increased
Sub-arachnoid haemorrhage


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