Just a few words to start off, I wouldnt' dare claim credit for ALL the mnemonics on this blog. In fact, a number of the cleverer mnemonics you see either are the good work of other doctors/students or have been shamelessly lifted out of medical books.

If you've got a medical mnemonic gem to contribute, feel free to submit it to dingydingding(at)googlemail(dot)com

Last but not least, please feel free to point out any errors or improvements that can be made in any of the mnemonics!! Otherwise, you can always click on the ad-links too if you wanna do your part =P

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mixed or Lobular-predominant Panniculitis

There are only a few causes of septal panniculitis, ie SEAptal
- Scleroderma
- Erythema nodoSum (the 'S' reminds you it's septal)
- a-AT deficiency 

The other big group of panniculitis is the mixed / lobular pattern.  If you read Bolognia pg1641, the authors seemed SKEPTICAL about dichotomising panniculitides as such. 

Stasis - Lipodermatosclerosis 
Kids - Sclerema neonatorum, Fat necrosis of the newborn (needle-shaped clefts within lipocytes)
Erythema induratum (a/w vasculitis of sub-Q vessels) 
Pancreatitis (necrosis is an early feature) 
Traumatic - blunt trauma, injectable substances, cold panniculitis, sclerosing lipogranuloma
CTDs / Autoimmune - Dermatomyositis, Lupus 

from Dermatology 3ed, Bolognia (eds)

Causes of Erythema Nodosum

The causes of Erythema Nodosum are very very varied.

A more abbreviated mnemonic would be DISSTend

Drugs (remember "POSH", see below)
IBD / Idiopathic
Streptococcal infection
end = erythema nodosum

A longer, but still non-exhaustive mnemonic is: POSH GUNSMITH


Gastroenteritis (Yersinia > Salmonella or Campylobacter)
URTI (viral)
Neutrophilic dermatosis (Behcet's, Sweet's)
Streptococcus / Sarcoidosis
Malignancy (usu Haematologic)
IBD / Idiopathic 
HIV / Hep B

Monday, February 2, 2015

Drug Causes of Pseudoporphyria - FATTeND

Pseudoporphyria demonstrates identical clinical (blisters, erosions, scarring/milia on sun exposed sites) and histological (cell-poor sub-epidermal blister, dermal festooning, caterpillar bodies, eosinophilic hyaline deposits around BV, DIF+ along the BMZ and perivascularly) features to Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (defect in Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase).

Risk factors include:
  1. Dialysis
  2. Use of tanning beds (UVA)
  3. Drugs - FATTeND
Tretinoin (and other Retinoids)
Naproxen and other NSAIDs
Diuretics (Loop and Thiazide)