Just a few words to start off, I wouldnt' dare claim credit for ALL the mnemonics on this blog. In fact, a number of the cleverer mnemonics you see either are the good work of other doctors/students or have been shamelessly lifted out of medical books.

If you've got a medical mnemonic gem to contribute, feel free to submit it to dingydingding(at)googlemail(dot)com

Last but not least, please feel free to point out any errors or improvements that can be made in any of the mnemonics!! Otherwise, you can always click on the ad-links too if you wanna do your part =P

Friday, March 19, 2010

Nephrotic VS Nephritic - where one letter makes a world of a difference

Back when I was a medical student, I thought my nephrology lecturer was a fickle dyslexic - which explained why he kept flitting between nephritic and nephrotic in his lecture notes.  And I wonder why I never really grasped either syndrome until now... ...

Features of nephrotic syndrome - "NAPHROTIC"
Na+  - you may rarely get hyponatremia in nephrotic syndrome; this is also a reminder that there is an intense pathophysiologic retention of sodium due to reduced oncotic pressure
Albumin - serum levels are decreased
Proteinuria >3g/day
Renal vein thrombosis
Infections - more prone to them due to loss of Ig in the urine

Features of nephritic syndrome - "HO HO"
Hematuria - not forgetting the all-important RED CELL CASTS
Oliguria (secondary to developing azotemia) 

Admittedly, the 2nd mnemonic is pretty weak =P
I guess the take home point is to be aware of the complications that can arise in patients with nephrotic-range proteinuria.  On the other hand, one needs to be very wary of deteriorating renal function in patients who develop red-cell casts.